NHCH Membership Information NHCH Membership Requirements Membership in NHCH implies agreement with the following:
NHCH membership may be revoked pending determination of the NHCH Board of Directors that membership qualifications are not met. NHCH affirms the Apostles' Creed, here stated: I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth: And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic Church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen. Upon membership, each member provides contact information to NHCH. One of the most valuable resources of our group is our member directory. With the permission of the members, we include some personal information in the directory. The terms of use of the directory are as follows:
NHCH Code of Conduct for
Field Trips & Group Events
NHCH Rules for Use of
nhch@yahoogroups.com NHCH utilizes an email list service (nhch@yahoogroups.com) to facilitate the informal dissemination of information among NHCH members. Subscription to this list is restricted to members and is automatic upon acceptance into NHCH. Members can un-subscribe at any time. The un-moderated email list is provided as a vehicle
for members to send information directly to other
members. It is expected that members will communicate
on this list in a way that is respectful and an
effective witness for Christ and for homeschoolers. Email traffic to this list is un-moderated; which is to say that any messages posted to this list will go immediately to all subscribers. However, the list administrator will loosely monitor the list for relevance. When posting items to the list, please be sensitive to others’ time and views. Appropriate examples of list use follow:
To post messages to the
NHCH e-list, send email to nhch@yahoogroups.com.
members can post information. Members may
register multiple email accounts by requesting that
upon membership or by sending an email to nhch-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. To unsubscribe from the NHCH
e-list, send email to nhch-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com. Members can
always access an archive of past messages by
visiting http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NHCH/. NHCH Rules for Use of nhch-bboard@yahoogroups.com NHCH provides a second
optional email list called the bulletin board or
"BBoard" (nhch-bboard@yahoogroups.com).
This purpose of this email list is for our members
both to promote community within the group and to
provide a means for sharing information that is not
necessarily homeschool related.
This list is available
only to NHCH members, but it is by request only.
If you do not request subscription, you will not be
subscribed. This is out of respect for those who feel
they get enough email already. You may
unsubscribe (and re-subscribe) at any time if you are
a current NHCH member. To subscribe, send email to nhch-bboard-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
To post messages on the
BBoard, send email to nhch-bboard@yahoogroups.com Since traffic
on this list (or others) may get high, you may
want to change your own email delivery
options. Every YahooGroups list subscriber
can choose to receive email messages "immediately"
or via a"daily digest". (For more info on
this, go to YahooGroups, click on "My Groups",
click on "Edit My Groups".) A "digest" is a
collection of all email received that day, bundled
together in a single message, delivered to you as
a regular (somewhat larger) email. Membership in NHCH entitles you to a card identifying
you as a member. You will receive this via email and
can print it out and use it to verify that you are
homeschooling. This card will afford you access
to many area teacher discounts. Some of the
stores that offer teacher discounts are Barnes &
Noble, Staples, Office Max, Jo-Ann Fabric and
Michaels. THis is not a complete list.
Feel free to ask stores if they offer teacher
discounts. Each store has a different policy and
may require some additional registration, but the
rewards are significant and worth requesting. NHCH Membership
If you are interested in joining NHCH for the first time and you agree with our above statement of faith and rules of conduct, please copy and paste the following information into an email. After filling in the blanks, please email your application to info@nhchweb.org with MEMBER APPLICATION in the Subject Line. You can need to update your contact information, you may email the same address with CONTACT INFO UPDATE in the Subject Line. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NAME
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